The Community Health Quality Recognition (CHQR) badges recognize Health Center Program awardees and look-alikes (LALs) that have made notable quality improvement achievements in the areas of access, quality, health equity, health information technology, social risk factors screening, and COVID-19 public health emergency response using Uniform Data System (UDS) data from the most recent reporting period.
FoundCare is proud to receive the following achievements:
Health Center Quality Leader
FoundCare received a Health Center Quality Leader Badge for achieving the best overall clinical quality measure (CQM) performance among all health centers and placed in the top 21-30% tier.
Health Disparities Reducer
FoundCare demonstrated improvements in select CQMs during consecutive UDS reporting years (2020 and 2021 UDS) for at least one racial/ethnic groups; or meets established benchmarks for all racial/ethnic groups served within the most recent UDS reporting year.
Access Enhancer Award
FoundCare increased the number of patients served and the number of patients with access to comprehensive services.
National Quality Leader- HIV Prevention and Care
FoundCare met or exceeded national benchmarks for one or more of the clinical quality measure (CQMs) groups that promote behavioral health, heart health, diabetes health, HIV prevention and care, and maternal and child health.
Patient Centered Medical Home Recognition (PCMH)
The primary care medical home provides health care that is relationship-based with an orientation toward the whole person. Partnering with patients and their families requires understanding and respecting each patient’s unique needs, culture, values, and preferences. The medical home practice actively supports patients in learning to manage and organize their own care at the level the patient chooses. Recognizing that patients and families are core members of the care team, medical home practices ensure that they are fully informed partners in establishing care plans.