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RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. — People in Riviera Beach will soon gain access to affordable, quality medical care.
City officials held a groundbreaking for a brand new FoundCare health center on Broadway.
Related: FoundCare now offering mobile health services in Riviera Beach
“It's a wonderful day for Riviera Beach,” Riviera Beach mayor Ronnie Felder said. “We took a piece of prime property to let FoundCare have, and we value our residents that much that we didn't let the monetary game determine our decisions for what our business needed”
A 2.5-acre plot of land on Broadway donated by the city will be transformed into a 20,000-square-foot health center offering a variety of services including adult and pediatric care, women’s health, dentistry, and behavioral health.
“This project is really needed in the city of Riviera Beach. The life expectancy in the zip codes that we're going to be serving is 69 versus 82 in the rest of the county. So, for us, this is something that's direly needed,” FoundCare’s CEO Christopher Irizarry said.
Video courtesy of WPBF. A special thank you to reporter Jade Jarvis. See the original feature here: https://www.wpbf.com/article/florida-groundbreaking-foundcare-health-center-riviera-beach/60116878